Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wahoo, Grace is now in Senior Primary in the CTR 8 Class. That's Big time and she is so excited about it!


Audrey Crisp said...

Congrats! She is now a big girl! SHe will have so much fun!

Rachel said...

What beautiful pictures of Grace:) Jackie was so excited to be sitting in the last row of Primary, she could hardly sit still during Sacrament Meeting.

Really, you are quite a talented photographer!

Gentry Gang said...

I love the outfit! She looks like a cute scandinavian(sp?) girl.

Gentry Family said...

Alright Grace!! No more junior primary anymore :) I love the pictures, she is looking so grown up. When is her baptism? Lucy requested that we drive down to attend

Gentry Family said...

I wasn't sure if she was 8 this year or the next...

Gentry Fam said...

Grace has to wait all the way until October 26th to turn 8! Believe me, she is already planning her baptism.

Heather H. said...

I can't believe it, yay for Gracie!

I love your new blog photo and of course all the photos you posted from the past is so fun to read your blog. Thanks for the New Year's Eve invite, I would have loved to have seen everyone...the others are still in town so hopefully you guys can get together.

And I'm glad you talked to Judy at Nordstrom, she's so guys always made work fun-I do miss that!


Chrissy said...

She is the cutest model, go Grace!

jeannie said...

Good work Grace! Very cute pics!

Stephanie said...

Sister Hawkins is SO excited about Grace being in the CTR 8 class too!!! :)