Sunday, February 8, 2009

New editing on old Pics

While Piper has been sick I have found myself sitting next to her on the couch watching hours and hours of Word World. If I have to watch Bug and Frog try to find all the words that rhyme with bug and snug again I may just scream.  Thank goodness my lap top was handy. I could atleast have fun trying out some new editing techniques while cuddling up with Piper, well atleast until Piper would notice and shut my laptop on my fingers over and over again.  Here are some of the old pics I did up new.


jeannie said...

I likee! Do you use photoshop?? Looks like it. Your pictures are always so beautiful.

Fedden Family said...

Wow! Love, love your style!

Cara said...

you are soo talented!! I need to learn how to do these kinds of things. I love taking pictures, but they don't look like yours!!!

when are we going to get together, Audrey wants too!!!