Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning was great to all be together opening presents. What did we get? Well four of us got the flu! (Grace, Piper, Max and Me) - Max was the real lucky one as he had the flu and Strep Throat! The poor guy! But that didn't stop him from trying out his new four wheeler!

Here is Parker on his new Pogo Stick

Piper just wasn't sure about her new jeep....

But one circle around and she was in pure heaven and didn't want to get out.

So Grace was sick on Christmas as well. She came down for presents but then pretty much slept the rest of the day. Finally, on Saturday afternoon the kids felt up to taking their new treasures out for a spin out front. Max was in a dead sleep on the couch but somehow heard the girls were going out front and jumped right up and said
"I'm going too, where are my boots." So funny, nothing can keep that boy down.

Here is beautiful Ellie on her sweet new bike.

Piper striking a pose.

Of course Evan couldn't just stand there, so he grabbed Ellie's new bike and took it for a spin.

Here is Max, totally sick and yet having pure joy just riding around and around. So then I realized Claire wasn't out with us, so I ran inside to tell her to come out and play only to find that she had received the gift of the flu as well. So sad!

Saturday night we got to play with some of the fun games the kids got. Here is Piper playing the drums to Beetles rock band.

Here is Ellie on guitar.

I have to admit, it wasn't the perfect Christmas I had planned but even with all the ickiness it was still fun. We have a lot to be grateful for! I am just so happy we were able to be gathered as a family together, even if half of us were deliriously sick. It is always wonderful to be together.