Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ellie's latest Masterpieces

Ellie loves art.  She loves it all, drawing, sketching, painting etc.  Here are two of her latest creations.  


The Rockin Hahns said...

Those are beautiful. I think its important for kids to be creative. so, way to go Ellie!


jeannie said...

Looks like you put your heart and time into those pics! They are awesome ellie!

The Belnaps said...

Very impressive, Ellie! It's nice to have artistic interests. Very cute pictures, Sandi. I alost didn't recognize Max with his haircut, it looks great on him! I'm sad we never got to say goodbye, I hope you can forgive us. Things are going well, trying to find a house. We love and miss you.

Gentry Gang said...

I think the next time we all get together we should have ART PROJECT time. Isabel would love to be creative with Ellie.

Ellie - Isabel LOVED your artwork.