Just to clarify, we did not go to Forks, Washington because we are Twilighters. We went there for a family reunion. This is where Evan was born, baptized and lived until he was ten. that being said, we had to go to the store, Twilight Central. This is Evan's Aunt Edna's shop. It use to be the town Florist but after Twilight was created she was smart enough to switch it to Twilight Central. It is filled with Twilight sweatshirts, t-shirt, pajamas, popcorn, stationary. More then you can even imagine she sells it. The store is always filled, mostly with Mom's coming to town with their teenage daughters. While there they get the full tour. The best is Aunt Edna is now known as Bella's Grandma. So for the fourth of July she had a go-cart all dolled up for the parade. Here is a picture of my kids getting a sneak peak and ride on the cart.