Go Wildcats! It was a big Soccer Day! First Gracie's Team won 4-0. And yes, Gracie scored a goal! It was awesome! Then onto game two for the day, Parker's team demolished Aliso Viejo with a score of 12-0. Parker had 7 beautiful assists and some fancy headers. It was a good day for the Gentry Family.
Max loves to garden. In his garden he has planted Edamame beans to grow a giant beanstalk and chocolate chips to grow a chocolate tree. We are still waiting on those but thankfully the grapes grew. Yum!
The smell of new school supplies in in the air! The kids are back to school. Parker is in 8th grade, Claire in 6th, Ellie in 4th, Grace is in 1st, Max in preschool and Piper hangs with me.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Welcome to our BLOG! After all this time of not getting the blog thing, well what can I say, I have converted. Hope you enjoy some photos of our family. Hopefully this will be a great way to stay in touch with our far away loved ones. Below, you can see lots of pictures of our Idaho and some of our Hawaii trips. I know I may have gone crazy with the pictures, but when you have six kids your gonna have lots of pictures!